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Collage and Mixed Media
mixed media, 2018-2022

Collage and mixed media are powerful ways to explore ideas, starting from found (and sometimes created images and words) and reassembling them to tell a new narrative. "Ruined" (first published by Silver Needle Press), for instance, was made out of archival images of destruction from WWII while my mind drew together disconnected family history. It was the coincidence of birth that drafted my grandfathers into different armies.

My series Made With American Cotton (2020) explores relationships between white supremacy, white womanhood, the racial wealth gap and the police state through collage and assemblage of found objects like broken police barricades and fabric scraps. This topic is too vast and complicated to be dealt with in a single piece, lending itself to a series.. The exploratory process is also crucial as I am learning about American history and our current systems of oppression, and my role within them. Similarly, "Electric Blue Chair" calls out the US's relationshipwith the death penalty.

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